Wikipedia states the following about Dr Dwarka Nath Bose: 'Four students of the College were sent to England through the financial help of Dwarakanath Tagore, Professor Goodeve and partly of the government. Three of them, including Dwaraka Nath Bose, Bhola Nath Bose, and Gopal Chunder Seal passed the examination for MRCS (Member of the Royal College of Surgeons) in 1846 and returned to India to join the uncovenanted Medical Service.',_Kolkata.
Also see Fisher, Michael H. Counterflows to Colonialism: Indian Travellers and Settlers in Britain, 1600-1857. Orient Blackswan, 2006. ( D.G. Crawford in Roll of the Indian Medical Services states that Surya Kumar Chakrabarty (Soojee Comar Chuckerbutty in Crawford, no. 1672) took his exam in 1848.
Fisher mentions that Dwarkanath was sponsored by a public subscription from the leaders of Calcutta Society while Bholanath Das Bose and Gopal Chandra Seal had won gold medals in the Medical College Examinations and were sponsored by Dwarka Nath Tagore. Chuckerbutty was sponsored by the Directors themselves. All four enrolled in 1845 and settled in 7 Upper Woburn Place under the direct supervision of Professor Goodeve. Fisher states that Dwarka Nath Bose had challenged English youths to a swimming match at the Holborn Public Baths. He also goes on to say:
The eldest, Dwarkanath Bose, proved least obedient to Goodeve and college discipline, and received the least recognition from them. Goodeve write that he "obtained only a certificate in Midwifery;-- this certainly is not encouraging on his part and I regret to say I am not surprised at his want of success, for though possessing considerable ability he has not the industry of the rest and he is wholly deficient in zeal for the cause in which they are all embarked."
Apparently, to prevent him from deteriorating further, Goodeve sent him back to Calcutta with Dwarkanath's son, Nagendranath Tagore. He subsequently received an appointment as assistant demonstrator of Anatomy at the Calcutta Medical College at Rs. 200 a month and also started private practice.
Also see this article in the Patriot published in London, Sep 2 , 1852:
In England. Dwarkanath Bose, Kaist [kayastha], baptized 17th Febraary, 1837. by the Rev. Dr. Charles. After completing his studies at the General Assembly's Institution, he entered the Medical College, and was one of the four natives sent to London by Government to complete their medical education. On his return to his country, he was appointed to the office of Assistant Professor of Anatomy in the Medical College. He is at present attached to the Punjaub Division
It seems that Dwarkanath Bose was kidnapped by his relatives after his conversion. He was travelling with Dr Ewart and was attacked and confined by his relatives. He managed to escape and the case was brought before the magistrate who offered Bose police protection. (See Neill, p. 380). The Evangelical Magazine reports that Bose was excommunicated and disinherited by his father Kesobram Bose of Copill Para.
Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle. s.n., 1838.
Fisher, Michael H. Counterflows to Colonialism: Indian Travellers and Settlers in Britain, 1600-1857. Orient Blackswan, 2006
Neill, Stephen. A History of Christianity in India: 1707-1858. Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Souvik Mukherjee