Parsons came to India in February 1830 and was sent to Monghyr and Bhagalpore, where he learnt Hindi and could preach to the local populace in their language. A fuller biography is to be found in the Bengal Obituary, 1851:
The Rev. George Barton Parsons was born on January 23rd, 1813, at Laverton, a small village in the county of Somerset, England. His beloved and honored parents were both eminently pious, and truly exemplary in the management of their children, and to their example and early instructions must be attributed much that shown in the character of their son; at an early age, therefore, George was placed at a boarding school where he remained till his fourteenth year. He was afterwards placed with a respectable tradesman at Frome, Somerset. Here he enjoyed the advantages of a strict watchfulness over his whole conduct, and of a faithful gospel ministry.
Mr. Parsons had for some time felt a hope of being engaged in the Missionary work, yet his retiring disposition would not permit him to take the first step in introducing him. It was therefore wisely and kindly arranged by Divine Providence that one of the deacons pressed the matter closely upon him. This he considered a call from God, and he was quite willing to comply with it. He therefore consented to an examination before Dr. Collison, theological tutor of Hackney College, by whom he was highly recommended to the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, and accepted by them. At their request, he entered Bristol Academy in April 1834; during the three years of his residence there, he devoted himself to his studies with unwearied diligence, oftentimes closely engaged for successive days and weeks during sixteen hours in the twenty-four.
After the time of his leaving Bristol an application being made by the Church at Torrington, in Devonshire, for a person to supply them for three months, Mr. Parsons was recommended thither. He entered on his brief charge with great fidelity and ardour, and it pleased the Lord to use his efforts as the means of a great awakening and revival. In October 1837, lie entered, according to the arrangement of the Committee, on three classes at the London University, those of Hebrew, Mental philosophy, and Mathematics, in all which departments, but especially the first, he gained considerable honours.
William Carey's Oriental Christian Biography contains a detailed biography: See
Sudipto Mitra