Jabez Carey (b. 12th May 1793), although starting out as an attorney's assistant in Calcutta, later took up missionary work and was sent to Amboyna in 1814 (http://tinyurl.com/poqrzq4). He is described as a commissioning agent and also someone connected to the salt department and he died in 1862. His will is available in the India Office Records. [However, it is not clear whether this is the same person as above]
His father, William Carey (17th August 1761 - 9th June 1834), was an ordained Baptist minister and helped found the Baptist Missionary Society. Arriving in India in 1793, he set up base in Serampore in January 1800. In 1801 he began teaching at Fort William College, Calcutta; he printed the New Testament in Bengali in 1802, and in Sanskrit in 1808, which was the key to subsequent translations. He was married to Dorothy Plackett (10th June, 1781) with whom he had five sons and two daughters. Following her death in 1807, he married Charlotte Rumohr in 1808 and Grace Hughes in 1822.
For more on the careers of William and Jabez Carey, see: Chapter Seven of The Life of William Carey: Shoemaker and Missionary by George Smith (1909). Link: http://www.biblebelievers.com/carey/Carey7.htm
Souvik M. and Shalmi Barman