Son of Reverend John Watson of Glasgow and Marion Gladstone. They were married in Leith on 21 November, 1799. On his death be left eight-sixteenths of the share for his wife along with the use of his furniture and articles, Agnes Ann, and five-sixteenths to his sister, Marion Watson, and three-sixteenths to another sister, Margaret Watson. He had two other sisters, married, Anna Wark and Jessy Scott. Jessie Scott or Watson, in Hamburg, was serviced as heir to her father, Rev. John Watson, Relief minister in Glasgow, on 20 November 1835. James Wyllie(?), Esq. and Gladstone Wyllie Co. of Calcutta, Merchants and John Lawrie, Esq. were the executors of his will.
“Anchor and Hope” No. 234, the “6th lodge of Bengal” by Order of the Grand Lodge, was established in 1773. It was a Free Mason establishment.
Sujaan Mukherjee