Last Name:
First Name:
Grave Plot No.:
year of death:
date of death:
27 April 1842
Age at death:
42 yrs
Husband of Mary Ann Ehrhardt
Full Epitaph:
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. John Weir,
who departed this life 26th April 1842,
aged 42 years.
“In the midst of life we are in death.”
In memory of Mary Ann Ehrhardt,
wife of John Weir of Calcutta Police,
who departed this life on the 26th day of August
1840, aged 37 years.
“The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
Sheriff's Officer, Calcutta Police (possibly Coolinga Division)
Detailed information:
This or another John Weir appears to have married one Rebecca Bratt on 7 April 1841.
On April 1838, he was party in a case trying one George Lloyd and one George Morgan for stealing a musical snuff-box from William Tippin in Seebtollah lane using force. They pleaded not guilty. Weir had deposed that he had heard from a Chowkidar of the riot in Anne Rawlinson’s house, “and when he arrived there, he saw a buggy with two gentlemen in it, assisting a person named Sheriff, the boatswain of a ship, who said that Morgan had assaulted him and broken his head and robbed him of seven rupees eight annas.”
Buried by:
James Charles, Senior Minister, St.Andrew's Church
Weblink 1:
Biblical References:
Job 1:21
This record has been created by::
Sujaan Mukherjee