The Bengal Obituary provides a detailed account of the demise of Rev. Robert Gibson:
DEATH OF WT BEEBY ESQ AND OF THE REV R GIBSON Victim to that dread ful scourge the Cholera Mr Beeby was seized with it late on Monday the 28th February 1842 and within 8 hours life was extinct Mr Gibson who resided in the same house with Mr Beeby had to all human appearance enjoyed perfect health on Monday but next morning complained of indisposition which his friends mainly attributed to the sorrow with which the sudden illness and death of Mr B must have filled his mind He thought himself however sufficiently well to attend Mr Beeby's funeral When he entered the room where the lifeless remains of his late friend had been placed previous to their removal for interment he gave utterance to the violent grief he felt in a manner which led some of the bystanders to apprehend lest the scene should prove too harrowing for him In a short time however he became more tranquil and seemed composed whilst the Rev T Boaz performed the services at Mr Biss house After the funeral procession had reached the grave the Rev Dr Yates commenced delivering an appropriate address in the course of which he quoted that solemn word of antiquity In the midst of life we are in death or rather proceeded Dr Y in the midst of life death is in us Whilst this sentence was uttered Mr Gibson fainted away and being with difficulty prevented from falling sat down on the nearest tomb till he could be a little revived A death like paleness marked his countenance he seemed to be literally sinking into the grave ready to receive him After the lapse of a few moments his strength had sufficiently returned to allow of his being led away and conveyed to Dr Yates house where he had spent the greater part of the day In a few hours it became evident that he had been seized with the fatal disease Repeatedly during the brief interval that was left a hope was entertained that his life might yet be spared But notwithstanding his robust constitution all the efforts of his friends and medical attendants proved vain and at about half past eleven next day the spirit fled from its earthly tenement During the last hours of his life Mr Gibson repeatedly expressed hope and sentiments becoming one who relied upon the atonement made by Jesus Christ He seemed to derive much pleasure from a prayer offered up at his request by one of his associates Turning to his bearer who was attending upon him he exclaimed with all the emphasis which he had strength left to manifest If I could but speak your language I would tell you about Jesus Christ His thoughts evidently were often fixed upon the Church of which he was about to take the oversight and in one of his ejaculations he gave utterance to the strong desire he felt that it might be animated by a prayerful united and devoted spirit In the evening of the same day he was buried Verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity Minute referring to the death of Messrs Beeby and Gibson at a Meeting of the Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society held at Fen Court May 5th 1842 That the Committee receive with profound submission to the holy will of God the deeply afflictive tidings from Calcutta of the decease of their honoured and highly esteemed associate WT Beeby Esq and of their beloved missionary the Rev R Gibson In these events they desire to view the hand of an infinitely wise though inscrutable Providence and while smitten by these unexpected and repeated strokes to say with devout resignation Even so Father for so it seemeth good in thy sight They record with affectionate remembrance the sense they entertain of the valuable services rendered to the Mission by the former of their departed friends both in this country and in India and of the unfeigned piety generosity discretion and urbanity which uniformly marked his character and they most respectfully offer their Christian condolence to his widow and family with their fervent prayers for them under this affecting bereavement Of the latter they cherish many pleasurable recollections connected with his early piety ministerial endowments and entire consecration to the service of God and express their lively sympathy both with his relatives and with the church in Calcutta of which he was just about to assume the pastoral office and with the whole missionary band who have thus been again called to sustain so severe a loss.
(Bengal Obituary 1851
Souvik M