He was a senior member of the firm Moore, Hickey & Co., the first Indigo mart of Calcutta founded and promoted by the native 'celebrity' entrepreneur Babu Mutty Lall Seal (or Motilal Sil), of Colootollah. The firm had their office at Mission Row near the Tank Square. The company he worked in, prior to Moore, Hickey & Co., named 'Tulloh & Co.' was also partly owned by Mutty Lall Seal which shows us that the two had a continuing relationship. (Dipesh Chakrabarty, The Colonial context of the Bengal Renaissance: A Note On Early Railway Thinking In Bengal, in Indian Economic and Social History Review, Vol. XI, No. 1, March 1974.)
The 'Moore' in the company's name might also suggest that John was a stakeholder in the venture, however no evidence justifying the same could be recorded.
Post John Moore's death, his belongings were shared by his wife Anne Isabella Moore; John Jackson, a member of the firm Gillanders, Arbuthnot & Company of Clive Street and Roderick Mackenzie, a resident of Tank Square.
Below is a photo of Mutty Lall Seal (or Motilal Seal). [Courtesy: puronokolkata.com]
Sudipto Mitra