Herbert Park Marshall was an attorney-at-law. He is listed as a notary public and the Jardine Matheson Archive mentions: A certificate of Herbert Park Marshall, Notary Public, Fort William, Calcutta, attesting to the signing by John Hume, magistrate and J.P. for Calcutta, of an annexed affidavit (not included), and a certificate of Arratoon Carapiet of Chitford Road, Calcutta, clerk to H.P. Marshall, attesting to the signing by Nicholas Isaac Malchus of an annexed deed poll or power of attorney (not included). The certificates are attached together, and are both dated Calcutta, 12 June 1848. (http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0012%2FMS%20JM%2FF...). Also see entry on H.P Marshall here: http://farmarfamilies.com/p2415.htm and on Jane Seymour Marshall, here: http://farmarfamilies.com/p2411.htm. Jane Seymour Marshall is buried in Dehra Dun.
Souvik Mukherjee