The news of his death is found in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Volume 27 [See]. His father seems to have been an important figure in the locality (the Provost is the Scottish equivalent of 'Mayor'). A stained-glass window in the Church of the Holy Rude, Stirling is dedicated to him. The inscription reads:
In memory of John Thomson, Provost of Stirling 1822 -1826, Justice of the Peace for Stirlingshire.
John Thomson was born 4th September 1777 and died 15th March 1854.
The glass in this window is from Munich, Germany and is the work of the artist Karlbach.
The upper part of the window represents the New Testament dispensation.
The lower half of the window represents the Old Testament, or the Law.
The right hand panel is in memory of John Thomson's son-in-law "Henry Ainslie, Merchant, Fort William, who died at Stirling, 25th March 1877"
See the photo of the window here:
Provost Thomson was also involved in decisions regarding the main entrance to Stirling via the King Street.
Souvik Mukherjee